IMT Business School
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Social and sustainable commitment

Institut Mines-Telecom Business School’s mission is to train future managers and entrepreneurs in responsible digital transformation, capable of understanding the major issues of ecological, social and economic transitions, making decisions in favor of these issues and adopting responsible behavior.

The DNA of Institut Mines-Telecom Business School is to educate the managers of tomorrow, with a focus on innovation and responsible digital transformation.

The school’s Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy permeates all of its activities and applies to all departments. Situated at the core of our business school’s strategy and mission, it encompasses all stakeholders, including management, students, teaching and research staff, and more. This policy not only considers the environmental impact of our actions and decisions but also shapes the social and inclusive initiatives on our campus.

L'école IMT Business School: Intérêt pour le développement durable et la responsabilité sociale
ODD 1 - Pas de pauvretézéro faim - ODD lutter contre la faimODD Bonne santé et bien-êtreODD éducation de qualitéODD égalité des sexesODD eau propre et assainissementODD énergie propreODD travail décent et croissance économiqueODD industrie, innovation et infrastructureODD Réduction des inégalitésODD villes et communautés durablesODD Consommation et production responsablesODD lutte contre le changement climatiquevie aquatiqueODD Vie terrestreODD pais, justice et institutions efficacesODD partenaires pour la réalisation

IMT Business School places sustainable development & social responsibility (SD&SR) among its strategic and priority objectives, as an integral part of its school project, its mission and its values.