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Entrepreneurship at IMT Business School

Today, the most innovative projects lie at the crossroads of digital technology, entrepreneurship and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The pedagogical innovations implemented within the School stimulate collective intelligence and lead to the discovery of the professional world through new experiences.

Institut-Mines Telecom Business School teaches entrepreneurial skills in the digital age. Whatever the program, interdisciplinary and interactive teaching sets the pace for the curriculum and you learn to become an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship initiatives at IMT Business School

The Bachelor and Integrated Master in Management programs offer educational projects aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills. These projects also allow students to learn soft skills (leadership, management, team spirit, creativity, flexibility…) and to think as a responsible manager in a complex and ever-changing environment.

Semaine de la CréativitéChallenge projet d’entreprendreInnovation Game, not forgetting the support of IMT-Starter, the incubator on campus.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (EMI): the Major dedicated to entrepreneurship within the IMM Program

In the final year (Master 2) of the Integrated Master in Management program, you can choose the specialization Major called Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (EMI).

It gives you the opportunity to design and start an entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial project. You will alternate 1 week of classes and workshops with 3 weeks in the IMT Starter incubator.

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