Institut Mines-Telecom Business School’s commitment to digital innovation, responsibility and social inclusion is expressed through its laboratory, research center and working groups.
Laboratory for Innovation, Technologies, Economy and Management (LITEM)
LITEM (EA 7363) is a research laboratory specializing in management sciences and economics.
It is jointly run by the University of Evry-Val-d’Essonne (UEVE) and Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (IMT Business School).
It is attached to the doctoral school “Law, Economics, Management” (ED DEM) of Paris-Saclay University.

LITEM's objectives
Its work aims at understanding the transformations and needs of a complex and uncertain world, and at accompanying socio-economic actors in their digital, economic, and societal transitions.
Its goal is to study the dynamics of innovation, the functioning of markets and organizations and their financing.
The laboratory is particularly focused on the digital sector, in areas such as ICT, open source, platforms, big data, green IT, and their applications in a range of sectors including health, agriculture, industry, e-commerce and government.
The laboratory has also developed in-depth expertise in social innovation, with the aim of contributing to the objectives of sustainable development.
LITEM's partners
Its partnered research covers various fields of application (digital technology, innovation, health, SSE, etc.) and is featured in academic journals as well as in books or general audience publications.
LITEM's scientific project
Research at LITEM is organized around 2 main research areas:
The results of this research are published in English and in French in journals ranked by the HCERES, as well as in the form of scientific popularization activities in all types of media.
LITEM's members
The research laboratory members work on themes including innovation, digital technology and organizational responsibility.

Liliana Mitkova

Jean-Luc-Moriceau (IMT Business School)
IMT Business School Research Center: Laboratory for meaning and understanding in the contemporary world (LASCO)

LASCO is a platform for collaboration between the industrial innovation and digital sectors, and the academic social science research community.
Who is part of the LASCO Research Center?
It brings together researchers from Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, IMT Atlantique and Mines Saint-Étienne.
Objectives and Mission of the IMT Business School Research Center
LASCO IdeaLab, Institut Mines-Telecom’s research center for innovation in social sciences, is an original platform for collaboration between the sectors of industrial innovation, digital technology and academic research in social sciences.
Its scientific mission is to analyze the conditions under which the emergence of meaning takes place at a time when subjectivities, interpersonal relationships, organizations and political contexts are undergoing major changes, in particular with the development of digital technologies and the globalization of some economic models.
- Work together for the benefit of our partners (companies, organizations, public authorities, academia)
- Study the effects of digital transformation on social, economic, environmental and political stakeholders
- Question assumptions about the potential for social, economic and technological development
- Follow the rules of scientific integrity
- Conduct inclusive research that embraces multiple perspectives
- Innovate on method, theory and practice
- Anticipate the impact of digital technology on tomorrow and for future generations
LASCO's Scientific Project
Research at LASCO is organized around 3 main research areas:
- Collective action and the emergence of meaning in the digital age
- Subjectivation, corporeality and smart objects
- Identities, autonomy and data governance
Working groups
Innovation Support Lab (IS Lab)
IS Lab is an Innovation Support Lab specialized in information systems, focusing on Digital Intelligence issues, in particular digital transformation and data management. IMT Business School brings together this fertile ecosystem of students, researchers and startups in a single physical space called IS Lab, where sharing, innovation and experimentation take place. Every year, IS Lab organizes challenges between companies and students, enabling them to deliver concrete analyses and recommendations in response to the issues raised.
Initiative on Data Economics, Ethics and Algorithms (Ilab IDEAL )
The ILAB IDEAL brings together a group of research professors who carry out empirical and theoretical work on the economics of data, and more specifically on the economics of privacy. It also includes work on artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision-making. The group organizes conferences of experts from the ecosystem and thematic seminars.
Innovations Numérique Economie Sociale et Solidaire (INESS Lab )
The INESS think-tank aims to study and support players in the Social and Solidarity Economy who are innovating through digital technology, with a view to transforming human societies in ways that are fairer and more respectful of natural ecosystems. Lab INESS focuses its research on three major areas: innovation, digital technology and the SSE.
Ethique, Technologies, Humains, Organisations, Société (ETHOS)
This research team studies the evolution of hypermodern organizations and societies from an ethical, social and human perspective.
- Ethics and the digital society : new forms of sociability in the public sphere, evolution from an ethical and social point of view
- Ethical and human issues in organizations : study of organizations based on a humanistic approach
- Aesthetics, design and quest for meaning : Data design, aesthetic experiences, museum strategies, performative effects, political effects and configuration of the imaginary in the new media
Smart Business Information Systems (SMART BIS)
“Organizations 3.0” are linked to the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, knowledge economy and data science. SMART BIS falls within the scope of this issue of organizational transformations through IS, and within this evolution path.
Scientific Project:
- Construction of IS artifacts (design science): Technological concepts, models, methods and instantiations
- Uses of IS artifacts (behavior science): analysis of the uses of information and communication technologies: acceptance, adoption and appropriation
- Management of IS artifacts (strategic management): Management and governance of IS in organizations: strategic alignment, value creation, performance measurement, resource management, risk management, etc.