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integrated master
GRANDE ECOLE IMT Business School

Master 2: Specializations

The final year (M2) of the Integrated Master in Management program of Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (IMt-BS) offers you several possibilities: 

  • Specialization Major + long internship (6 months)
  • Major in apprenticeship (work-study program)
  • International academic semester + a long internship (6 months)
Spécialisations - Majeures à IMT Business School

IMT Business School offers a wide range of specializations (called majors) in traditional initial training or apprenticeship, in French or in English.

Master 2: which specialization or major to choose in our business school?

The 2nd year of the Master’s program (M2), i.e. the 3rd year of the Grande Ecole program at IMT Business School, allows you to strengthen your career by choosing a specialization.

Our Business School offers a wide range of majors covering various areas of expertise: information systems, data management, supply chain, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, consulting, finance, innovation, and more

You can choose between a specialization major in French or in English with a long internship (6 months), you can do your major as an apprenticeship (alternating school and company) or do an academic semester (6 months) abroad followed by a long internship (6 months).

A major in French or English?

Classical training or apprenticeship?

Choosing your major by theme

External majors with our partner universities

Majeures Externes et Doubles Diplômes

ITM-BS also offers the possibility of completing the final year of the program (M2) at other universities in France.

These external majors should not be confused with the 13 specializations offered within IMT Business School, nor with the majors that can be completed in the schools of the IMT group.

  • M2 Finance Banking-Finance Risk and asset management
  • M2 Management control Financial analysis and control
  • Management control and strategic steering
  • Master CCA accounting-control-audit (2 years)
  • Master 2 Strategic Human Resources Management – Innovation, project, change (Apprenticeship)
  • Master 2 Market Finance and Risk Management
  • Master 2 Financial Management and Taxation