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Research at IMT Business School

Developing Research and Innovation at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

Research and innovation lie at the heart of IMT Business School commitment to boldness, excellence, openness and responsibility.

Since 1979, IMT Business School has provided the wider academic and industry community with progressive and forward-thinking knowledge in digital transformation and its social, cultural, economic and ethical impacts.

Recherche à IMT Business School

Our faculty use their cross-disciplinary expertise to conduct conceptual as well as applied projects that significantly shape our understanding of or responsibility towards digital transformation, industry responsiveness to technological changes, managerial knowledge capital, and social involvement with new informational horizons.

Research Development: the Strength of a Group and International Network

In collaboration with the IMT schools and a large number of national and international institutions, our researchers draw on the technical knowledge of France’s leading engineering research institute and on the strength of an extensive knowledge network made up of international institutions

Our unique ability to bring together technical expertise in eco-management and social sciences disseminates in fields such as health, education, social innovation, social responsibility and in large companies.

Our research nourishes the international academic dialogue, practical applications and policy development, as presented by our Chairs, research groups and laboratories.

Mission, values and identity of research at IMT Business School

With a constant awareness of our ethical responsibility to make a positive impact, innovate for the better and push forward a significant knowledge program, research at IMT Business School reflects our mission, values and identity as one of France’s leading digital business schools.

The objectives of responsible research at IMT Business School

The Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (SD&CSR)department at IMT Business School works on objectives that apply to research:
  • To make sense: for our partners (society, organisations, public authorities, academia).
  • Taking an interest in its effects
  • Follow the rules of scientific integrity
  • Respecting minorities
  • Doubting one’s authority and certainties
  • Innovating on themes and methods
  • Reflecting on its impact on the world to come and what it passes on to future generations.

The role of teams, lecturers and partners in developing responsible research

La recherche responsable au sein d’IMT Business School est le fruit de l’expertise d’enseignantes-chercheuses et d’enseignants-chercheurs engagés dans diverses structures : 

  • Litem : laboratoire de recherche où sont étudiées les innovations technologiques et sociales dans la perspective d’une contribution aux Objectifs de Développement Durable
  • Des équipes de recherche : Gender@IMT (une équipe de recherche spécialisée sur la question du genre dans le secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication) ; ETHOS dont l’un des axes porte sur l’éthique et société numérique, ou encore KIND dont une partie des travaux porte sur l’innovation sociale numérique, les green ICTs et l’économie de la vie privée.
  • Un centre de recherche : le LASCO, IdeaLab de l’Institut Mines-Télécom, est une plateforme originale de collaboration entre les secteurs de l’innovation industrielle, du numérique, et le milieu de la recherche académique en sciences sociales. Il regroupe des chercheurs d’Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, d’IMT Atlantique et de Mines Saint-Étienne.
  • Les chaires de recherche dont la Chaire Good In Tech spécialisée sur l’innovation numérique responsable.
  • Le laboratoire d’idées INESS axé sur les acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire qui innovent par le numérique.
  • Des partenaires : IRI (Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation du Centre Pompidou) ; Fondation Ostad Elahi Ethique et Solidarité Humaine.

Dynamism of Resarch at IMT Business School: Scientific Publications, white papers, public lectures, events, international conférences....

Research at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School is committed, influential and aligned with our main mission of ensuring open and responsible knowledge management in all aspects of digital transformation.

The influence of research at IMT Business School is reflected in the numerous scientific publications of its researchers in economics, management and social sciences. Their publications, white papers and public lectures are regularly peer-reviewed and cited in academic, industry and government circles.

You can find all IMT Business School scientific publications by clicking on the “Publications Directory” link below or directly through the HAL open archive:


The vibrancy of research at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School also reflects in the organization of events by the Chairs, the numerous invitations extended to our faculty members who are recognized as experts in their field, or through their participation in international conferences and their various appearances in the media.