IMT Business School
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Networks, referentials and charters

Institut Mines-Telecom Business School is involved in numerous networks, referentials and charters related to the various aspects of social responsibility.

Réseaux référentiels et chartes IMT Business School

The Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative was developed in 2007 under the recommendation of the United Nations Global Compact to provide a framework for academic institutions to structure their commitments to social responsibility. IMT Business School has been an active member of PRME since 2008 and submits its SD&SR activity report every two years.


Since 2016, IMT Business School has been filling in the CGE/CPU’s SD&SR Repository, a self-assessment repository that makes it possible to assess the progress made in terms of strategy and governance, teaching and training, research, environmental management and social policy, and territorial anchoring.

plan-vert-developpement-durable-enseignement-superieur-ecologie-energie IMT BS

The REFEDD is a national network of student associations that carry out projects in favor of sustainable development. IMT Business School has been certified by the REFEDD for the organization of the Semaine Etudiante du Développement Durable (Student Week for Sustainable Development) and the Opération Zéro Mégot (Operation Zero Cigarette Butt).

IMT Business School has signed the charter of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles in favor of gender equality and the handicap charter. 

Charter for equality between women and men (in french)

Charte CGE Handicap

IMT Business School is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE). The Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility Commission of the CGE is chaired by Denis Guibard, Dean of IMT Business School.

IMT Business School is a member of Comité 21, whose Vice President is Denis Guibard. Comité 21‘s mission is to create the conditions for exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that together they can better understand and implement sustainable development on a territorial scale.

comité 21

The C3D (Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable – College of Sustainable Development Directors) brings together more than 100 sustainable development and CSR directors from private and public companies and organizations. In his position as Vice President of C3D, Denis Guibard leads the CSR and digital working group whose objective is to provide sustainable development managers with the tools they need to impact their institutions in terms of digital responsibility.

ADERSE, Association pour le Développement de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche sur la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise (Association for the Development of Education and Research on Corporate Social Responsibility), is an academic association whose aim is to promote CSR in teaching and research in the management field. IMT Business School will host the next edition of the ADERSE National Congress in 2021.

The Ostad Elahi Foundation is a recognized association of public utility on ethics and human solidarity. IMT Business School is a partner of the Foundation, which delivers courses within the School.

Institut de l’Engagement is aimed at volunteers who have been identified for their potential, the quality of their commitment and the interest of their project for the future. It provides them with tools to reveal their talents and allows them to access training, jobs and support to realize this potential and develop their project. IMT Business School integrates students from Institut de l’Engagement into its programs.

Institut de l'engagement

IMT Business School is a member of the association Article 1. Every year, between 10 and 15 students benefit from individual mentoring combined with social inclusion activities, allowing them to develop their professional networks (cultural events, receptions with inspiring personalities, meetings with entrepreneurs).

mentorat article 1

The Cordées de la réussite aim to promote access to higher education for young people regardless of their socio-cultural background, by giving them the keys to engage successfully in courses of excellence.  Since 2016, IMT Business School has been a partner of the program and welcomes around a hundred middle and high school students every year to introduce them to the higher education world.

The Cordées de la réussite aim to promote access to higher education for young people regardless of their socio-cultural background, by giving them the keys to engage successfully in courses of excellence.  Since 2016, IMT Business School has been a partner of the program and welcomes around a hundred middle and high school students every year to introduce them to the higher education world.

Intended to reinforce equal opportunities, Internat d’Excellence offers favorable conditions for success to middle school, high school and volunteer students who do not have the best conditions for studying in their daily environment.

internat de l'excellence

IMT Business School is a member of Pascaline, whose aim is to develop the attractiveness of training and jobs in the digital world for the young generations.pascaline

IMT Business School is a partner of the ExcELLEncia Trophy, whose objective is to promote the digital sector among young women. The laureates’ tuition is financed in one of the partner schools.


IMT Business School is a member of the CPED (Conférence Permanente des Chargé.e.s de mission Egalité et Diversité – Permanent Conference of Equality and Diversity Officers).

cped imt bs