IMT Business School
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Experiences at IMT-BS

How to Prevent Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The issue of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is one of the School’s main priorities, whether it be at the management level or among supervisory staff.

Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (IMT Business School) has strengthened its action plan against such violence, including prevention and support measures as well as a series of sanctions. It provides support to students and staff who are victims or witnesses of sexual and gender-based violence and encourages the reporting of information and alerts.

The action plan of the IMT Group for the engineering and management schools

IMT Business School is part of the IMT Group, the leading French group of engineering and management schools. It works actively on these issues of sexual and gender-based violence in coordination with all the schools in the group.

Actions taken by IMT Business School

Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and Télécom SudParis, the management and engineering schools, share the same campus in Evry-Courcouronnes, where students enjoy a rich and intense student life. Both schools work together on the issues related to student life and the well-being of all.

SGBV liaison officers on campus

In February 2021, a SGBV liaison officer was appointed within Institut Mines-Telecom Business School. She works in close collaboration with the SGBV liaison officer of Télécom SudParis.

Promote the existing support measures

The objective of IMT Business School is to educate students and staff to respect each other and to fight against SGBV through awareness sessions, poster campaigns, and digital information on actions and processes.

Various tools are made available to students and staff: 

  • Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Information Guide;
  • A bookmark listing all useful information and contacts (listening unit, associations…);
  • A business card that provides information on the various types of SGBV and the penalties or sanctions incurred;
  • Poster campaign on campus;
  • Organization of an annual awareness day on SGBV, in collaboration with student associations (poster campaigns, round tables, etc.). It takes place during the International Day Against Violence Against Women.

Prevent sexual and gender-based violence during student parties

Student parties are an important part of student life. A charter regulating the functioning of associations on campus provides measures to combat SGBV. It is signed by the association leaderts. Concrete actions are also taken, such as the supply of anti-intrusion covers, the presence of supervising staff, external security services…

Educate students and staff

IMT Business School is continuing to educate those involved in the fight against SGBV, namely managers, students through their educational program, staff through professional training, and players involved in governance or reflection structures.

Education of first-year students

Violences sexuelles et sexistes IMT Business School: dispositif pédagogique en réalité virtuelle de sensibilisation des étudiants

Since 2022, a virtual reality educational tool to raise awareness of sexual and gender-based violence has been set up and is compulsory for students in the first year of the Bachelor and Integrated Master in Management programs. This awareness-raising tool is followed by discussions and support during the sessions.

Education of association leaders

The association leaders are systematically trained and regularly reminded of the importance of avoiding any alcohol-related disorder during student parties.

Staff awareness

The IMT Group has created an active network of gender equality liaison officers (sharing, pooling, monitoring, etc.) which meets at least twice a year.  The Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and Télécom SudParis gender equality officers are members of this network.

Members of the listening unit for victims also benefit from this training.

Receiving victims and/or witnesses of violence

The campus listening unit supports and welcomes victims and witnesses of physical, sexual or psychological violence. 

Legal aspect and sanctions

Sexual and gender-based violence is a crime that can result in fines and/or imprisonment. A gender-based insult is punishable by a fine of €1,500. Sexual harassment is punishable by 2 to 3 years of imprisonment and a fine of €30,000 to €45,000. For a sexual assault, the penalty is 5 years in prison and a €50,000 fine and for a rape, 20 years in prison and a fine of thousands of euros.

As for any school, the internal regulations signed by all are an essential tool of prevention.

IMT Business School has improved its reporting procedure by setting up a reporting platform that ensures confidentiality throughout the process. 

The procedure proposes 9 categories of alerts: moral harassment, sexual harassment, cyberstalking, sexist behavior, sexual assault, rape, discrimination, violence, health/hygiene/safety at work.

Internal investigations: the objective of IMT Business School is to clarify and simplify the framework of internal investigations in case of anonymous reporting.

Disciplinary Board: in the event of a report and proven facts, the School convenes the Disciplinary Board, which investigates and takes appropriate sanctions. It may also act in liaison with the Prefecture of Police. 

Barometer, indicators and continuous improvement

IMT Business School is setting up a statistical follow-up of its measures to monitor the implementation of the action plan and assess its effectiveness.

Since 2021, the IMT Group has conducted an annual survey of all its engineering and management schools. The IMT Business School management team closely monitors the results of these surveys. It takes measures and reinforces the action plan in order to improve the prevention and the actions initiated

Associations on campus


IMT Business School/TSP campus Gender Equality Association

Violences sexuelles et sexistes IMT Business School: Logo Association Equallity sur le campus
Violences sexuelles et sexistes IMT Business School: Logo Association IN&AcT


Association dealing with LGBT issues

Understand the concept of consent using the cup-of-tea metaphor