The transformation of professions and skills combined with the digital revolution have led IMT Business School, as a leading business and management school, to place pedagogy at the heart of its reflections and actions.
The teaching orientation of IMT Business School has always been innovative and modern, in search of continuous improvement and quality. It addresses the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD&SR) dimension as well as the challenges of the digital age.

The program set up within the School stimulates collective intelligence and leads, through new experiences, to the discovery of the skills and knowledge required in the professional world. Interdisciplinary and interactive teachings punctuate the curriculum.
Throughout the program, you will cross disciplines, acquire knowledge in a transversal way and not only in the classroom.
An active, project-based and experiential approach to teaching
You are involved in your studies, confronted with real-life situations and concrete cases.
You become an actor of your own education, your professor is your guide and your mentor. Lecture-based learning is replaced by small group work, where interaction and initiative are encouraged.
Objectives of the "learning by doing"
Experiential learning or learning by doing places you in a central position. It leads you to gain professional skills from direct experience. You are put in a real-life situation and learn from the interactions and your experience.
When faced with a complex problem, you will learn to find solutions by yourself. This will be helpful in your professional life as a successful manager in a changing environment.
Teaching methods focused on the development of soft skills
All IMT Business School educational programs (Bachelor, Integrated Master in Management, etc.) enable students to develop their soft skills. Leadership, creativity, management, team spirit, and complex problem solving are some of the skills you will acquire during your studies at IMT Business School.
The Innovation Game, the Leadership and Ecological Transition Week, and the Challenge Projet d’Entreprendre are some examples that illustrate the development of a teaching approach centered on collective intelligence and the development of individual and collective creativity.
Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD&SR) at the heart of the teaching and learning process
The new teaching methods take into account the impact on the territory, and involves institutions and associations.
The Innovation Game is a perfect illustration of this approach. Our corporate partners submit challenges to the 1st year students of the Integrated Master in Management and Bachelor programs.
Split into 50 teams, the students address the issues that some local authorities, large companies, SMEs, social enterprises or associations are facing in terms of Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD&SR). Decent work, reduction of inequalities, responsible consumption: each of the proposed challenges meets one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These events are in line with the responsible approach of IMT Business School, which is engaged in achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Leadership and Ecological Transition seminar raises awareness and educates students on climate issues.
Pedagogy in the digital age labelled by FNEGE
In 2019, the FNEGE (French Foundation for Management Education) set up a Committee for the Labeling of educational programs in the digital age.
Some of the IMT Business School educational programs have been awarded the FNEGE label:
- The Pedagogical Escape Game by Flavien Bazenet, Gaëlle Guigonand Maud Secqueville is ranked among the 5 finalists out of 27 educational projects.
- The Parcours Hybride by Marie Bia Figueiredo and Chantal Morley.
- The Innovation Game by Mélissa Boudes and Imane Dahhaoui.
For each program, the jury members assessed the innovative nature, the originality of the content, the link with research, the definition of the objectives and the ability to demonstrate the educational added value.
Les membres du jury se sont basés sur le caractère innovant des dispositifs, le caractère original des contenus, le lien avec la recherche, la clarté des objectifs et la capacité à démontrer la valeur ajoutée pédagogique.
A teaching approach that brings together managers and engineers

One of the strengths of IMT Business School is the cooperation with Télécom SudParis, its sister engineering school. These two schools, which are part of the IMT group, develop common educational programs. Students from both schools work together on programs such as the Escape Game, the Creativity Week… These experiences allow them to acquire the skills expected in a company and to build relationships beyond the classroom.