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International mobility

Financial aid for mobility – Erasmus

Financial aid for international mobility aims to help students registered at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, who go abroad during their studies.

This aid is based on eligibility criteria. It is calculated and allocated according to the budget determined by each provider, which varies from one year to the next.

ERASMUS scholarships

What is an ERASMUS scholarship?

It is a grant managed by the Erasmus+ France Education/Formation Agency, financed by the European Commission, which aims at : 

  • Promote and enhance the quality and the European dimension of higher education
  • Encourage student mobility in Europe.

Which amount?

The amount of the monthly allowance varies according to the country of destination and the breakdown of the subsidies by the School.

Who can benefit?

All ITM-BS students can benefit from the Erasmus+ grant during an academic exchange (excluding Study Abroad exchanges), an internship or a research project with one of our European partners. Please note: during your course, you can only benefit from one Erasmus mobility period (study and/or internship) of 12 months maximum per study cycle (e.g.: 12 months mobility in cycle 1 (bachelor/licence) and 12 months in cycle 2 (master).

What documents do I need to apply for a mobility grant?

Applications for Erasmus grants are made via our “Mobility Online” mobility management platform, according to a process that will be communicated to you during the academic year.

Erasmus illustration partir à l'international

Financial aid for international student mobility (AMIE)

This financial aid is granted by the Ile de France region, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and the Mines-Telecom Foundation to support students’ academic exchanges. The number of applications that can receive a scholarship is limited by the amount of funds available.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Social criteria: family income below 19 190€/year;
  • Other criteria such as academic excellence and host institutions being accredited or not;
  • Academic semester mobility;
  • Amount: variable according to the budget allocated.

How to apply?

Applications for AMIE scholarships must be submitted by email to our International Department according to a process that will be communicated to the students during the academic year.