• Major: Management Information Systems; Advisor: Prof. Mikko Siponen.
University of Jyväskylä (JYU),
01.2017 – 04.2022
Master of Education
Zhejiang Normal University
09.2013 – 06.2016
Domaines de compétence
Domaines de compétence
Philosophy of Science; Creative Direction; Critical Thinking
Skills: Human-Centered Design (HCD)
Microsoft Office, Mind map
Data: NVivo, R, Excel, SPSS
Others: Adobe CC, Figma.
Mandarin Chinese (Native); English (C1-C2); French (A2)
Expérience pro
Intitulé du poste
Assistant Professor in Digital Transformation / MIS
Nom de l'entreprise
Institut Mines-Télécom Business School
Évry, France
Intitulé du poste
Post-doc Researcher in Information Systems
• Main research project: Cybersecurity Management for Hybrid Work.
• Courses taught: “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, PGE bachelor; “Cybersecurity Management
for International Business”, master’s; “Data Fundamentals” (planned in 2024); Guest lecturer of
Information Security Management with JYU Finland and UiA Norway.
• Service and others: Editor and reviewer for ICIS and ECIS; Supervision of master’s thesis; External
thesis examiner for UiA Norway and JYU Finland; Participation in the design of master’s program in
cybersecurity; etc.
• Planned professional certification: Security+ CompTIA.
Nom de l'entreprise
IESEG School of Management
Lille, France
Intitulé du poste
Doctoral Researcher
• Doctoral research on the role of human factors in information security management.
• Teaching assistant & guest lecturer for “Theories in Information Systems” and “Information Security
Management” (master’s).
• Research training (ISPA Portugal); Inter-university seminars with Inforte.fi; Summer school in
human sciences and information
Nom de l'entreprise
University of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylä, Finland
01.2017 – 12.2022
Intitulé du poste
Operations Specialist (Part-time)
• Direction and production for visual communication projects.
• Content production in Unreal Engine studio.
Nom de l'entreprise
Noveltive Oy
Jyväskylä, Finland
01.2022 – 03.2022
Intitulé du poste
Content Creator (Volunteer)
• Creative media production non-profit events and documentary photography exhibitions.
• Co-creator for the media program on new technology and contemporary culture.
Nom de l'entreprise
Nordic Art Network Ry. (NGO)
Jyväskylä, Finland
01.2018 – 12.2020
Intitulé du poste
Research Assistant
• Assistance in a research project on human visual processing (neural correlations of visual
processing of face and written languages).
• Interviewer at China East Flight Control Centre for research project on fatigue and aviation safety.
Nom de l'entreprise
Zhejiang Normal University
Jinhua, China
01.2014 – 12.2015
Rayonnement scientifique
Published / In-review
Siponen, M., Rönkkö, M., Fufan, L., Haag, S., & Laatikainen, G. (2023) Protection Motivation Theory
in Information Security Behavior Research: Reconsidering the Fundamentals. Communications of the
Association for Information Systems, 53. https://aisel.aisnet.org/cais/vol53/iss1/47
Soliman, W., M. H., & Liu F. (2023) What If They Are Not Making Excuses? A Critical Assessment of
the Application of Neutralization Theory in Information Systems Research: Reflection on the Past and
a Way Forward. Second round at Journal of the Association for Information Systems (promise track).
Haag, S., Siponen, M., & Liu, F. (2021). Protection Motivation Theory in Information Systems Security
Research: A Review of the Past and a Road Map for the Future. ACM SIGMIS Database: the
DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 52(2), 25-67.
Liu, F. (2022). Irrational Human Factors in Behavioral Information Security: Familiarity, Fear, and a
Change of Mind. JYU dissertations. https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/80285
Shao, X., Siponen, M., & Liu, F. (2020). Shall we follow? Impact of reputation concern on information
security managers’ investment decisions. Computers & Security, 97, 101961.
Ye, D., Cho, D., Liu, F. et al. Investigating the impact of virtual tourism on travel intention during the
post-COVID-19 era: evidence from China. Universal Access to Information Society (2022).
Li, S., & Liu, F. (2023). Investigating the dynamic mechanism of user willingness to actively publish
travel-related Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) on tourism platforms. Plos one, 18(10), e0285773.
Ye, D., Liu, F., Cho, D., & Jia, Z. (2022). Investigating switching intention of e-commerce live
streaming users. Heliyon, 8(10), e11145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11145
Works in progress / Referred conference (in order of importance)
LIU F., Abdalla Mikhaeil C., Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., (2023), Cybersecurity and Hybrid Work: A
Literature Review, Pre-ECIS SIGSEC Workshop on Cybersecurity, Privacy and Infrastructures,
Kristiansand, Norway. Research-in-progress article. (In revision and to be submitted later)
Liu, F., Siponen M., et al. (2022 - present): Aligning Senses for Behavioral Security Research:
Measurement Issues with Protection Motivation Theory.
LIU F., Abdalla Mikhaeil C., (2024), Shadow AI: Navigating the Productivity-Security Balance, ECIS
2024 SIGSEC Workshop on Cybersecurity, Privacy and Infrastructures, Cyprus. Research-inprogress article.
Liu, F., Xin, T., & Siponen, M. (2023) Rethinking Fear Appeal for Behavioral Information Security: A
Multi-faceted Examination of Fear. Presented at the junior faculty’s consortium of ECIS 2023,
Kristiansand, Norway. Under revision and to be submitted to Information Systems Research.
Liu, F., & Siponen, M. (2023) Expect a Change of Mind: Information Security Communication as
Bodies of Knowledge for Individual Decision-Making Support. Presented at the MIS Quarterly
Author’s Development Workshop. Under major revision.
Liu, F., Siponen, M., & Ye, D. (2023) Shallow Attempts in Increasing Familiarity Towards Information
Security Threats: More Does Not Always Mean Good. Under major revision.
• AI Sketches and Prompt Rhetoric: Experiment of AI images generations with prompts of similar
meaning but different rhetoric choices. (2022)
• R3 (Review, React, Reshape): Mobile app design for mental wellness support and creative lifestyle
choices, which combines NFT collectible with life event visualization (2021).
• Keynote speaker at Finnpire Tech Talk (Finland), on the design of “Password Smith”, a hash-based
password manager that combines automatic generation with manual mnemonics (2017, Finland).
• Event organizer for Jyväskylä Student Art Festival (2017, Finland).
• MIIT (Meet Interesting Individuals Today): Mobile app design to tackle the loneliness problem (2018).
• JKL: Documentary photography exhibition (2018, Finland).
• Crafting Short Screen Plays That Connect - Book chapter translation (2016, English to Chinese).
• District interviewer for a study by the China Academy of Sciences. Semi-structured interviews and
survey implementation examining personality traits. (2013, China).
• Therapy host for a group mental wellness program in (AHNU, China, 2011).