Courses Objectives
The MSc in Management of Innovation in the Digital Economy is an evolution of the former MSc in ICT Business Management. It extends the scope of the previous program from the ICT Industry to the digital economy at large, and puts more emphasis on the management of innovation.
Apart from skills in managing innovation, students have to opportunity to develop unique integration capabilities, between different dimensions, such as technology, management, marketing, economics and public policy. This is made possible by the distinctive expertise of the faculty in research, student education and executive education, in the field of the digital economy and the ICT industry.
Become a leader able to blend innovation, technology & management.
The objective of this MSc is to train future students to:
- Manage the whole process of innovation:
- analyse industries, markets and public policies,
- design innovative strategies, design innovative offers (business model, business plan, service design)
- market innovations
- Exploit different types of data and information thanks to strong analytical skills
- Apply this innovation approach to the digital economy, whether in the ICT industry or in the context of digital transformation of any business