You wish to study abroad as part of your program at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School? Your application will be carefully reviewed by the Committee for student mobility that depends from the Department for International Relations and Development (DRDI) of the School. This Committee assigns you to one of the destinations of your choice, based on the academic and linguistic criteria required by the partner universities.

Going abroad: the mandatory language certificate
If you go abroad for an international mobility, you will follow and validate courses in a foreign language.
It is essential for you to have acquired a good knowledge of the teaching language of the host institution you will be staying in.
Valid language certificate
In the context of academic exchanges, all of our partners require that students have a language certificate in order to follow the courses (mostly in English, but also in German or Spanish for example).
Depending on the requirements of our partners, you can turn to different Certifications:
School certificate
IMT Business School can issue it after 1 semester, subject to validation of the level. For students who have passed the Passerelle or Double-Degree exams, their school's certificate is taken into account under certain conditions.
The TOEFL test is mandatory for several destinations such as Denmark, USA, Australia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan among others.
IELTS: administration, management, new technologies...
Certificate jointly run by the University of Cambridge, the British Council and the IDP Education Australia organization.
Alternative test with fast results.
Certificate from Cambridge with immediate results.
You can check the language requirements of our partner universities on the interactive map.
Your online application
The application is divided into three steps:
All applications for an international exchange program must be made using the Mobility-Online application form. Fill in the online form while respecting all the instructions. You have the possibility to submit up to 4 destination wishes. The rank order of the choices corresponds to the order of preference. Once you have entered all the information in the form, a confirmation e-mail will instruct you on the next step of the procedure and you will receive a link to your Mobility-Online student space.
Once the form is completed, you will have unlimited access to your online account. Documents must be attached to your application and submitted online in your personal Mobility-Online space.
The final step is the transmission of your application to the Department of International Relations and Development (DRDI) for validation.
This is a validation of the application file only. The assignment to a university will be definitively validated by the Committee for student mobility held by the DRDI.